
My journey with Blue Lotus and How I work with Blue Lotus Tea:

If you’ve found your way to this post, you’re likely curious about the art of making Blue Lotus tea and exploring its wonders. Blue Lotus, scientifically known as Nymphaea caerulea, is no ordinary flower; it’s a beautiful blue water lily entwined with the threads of rebirth, enlightenment, and tranquillity.

My journey with Blue Lotus began about 12 months ago, sparked by an encounter during a breathwork session. In that transformative moment, I felt the subtle yet profound opening of my third eye, a conduit for tapping into my subconscious, unveiling insights, and receiving messages. While such experiences are possible without Blue Lotus, the herb seemed to ease the process, smoothing the path to a still and receptive mind.

And if you're wondering what I mean by opening my "Third Eye" - this simply refers to opening and enhancing one's inner vision and intuition for a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

So, How does Blue Lotus help activate your Third Eye?

Blue Lotus is believed to activate the third eye through compounds like apomorphine, potentially stimulating dopamine receptors. This can lead to heightened awareness, improved mood, and enhanced focus, making it beneficial during breathwork. The calming effects of nuciferine may facilitate a deeper meditative state, enhancing the mind-body connection. This combination fosters a more profound breathwork experience, promoting heightened awareness and connection with the inner self.

Inspired by its effects on my consciousness, I delved deeper into the realms of Blue Lotus. Discovering its reputation as a sleep aid and its ability to gently guide the mind into calmness, I decided to include it in my nighttime routine. So during a period when falling asleep was a challenge or restlessness persisted, I brewed Blue Lotus tea before bed, and just like that, my sleepless nights found ease.

But how does Blue Lotus help you sleep?

While the exact mechanisms aren’t fully understood, it’s believed that the following compounds contribute to the herb’s relaxing properties:
  • Apomorphine: This alkaloid is present in Blue Lotus and has psychoactive effects, stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain, inducing feelings of relaxation and drowsiness.

  • Nuciferine: Another alkaloid found in Blue Lotus, nuciferine, has antispasmodic properties, contributing to muscle relaxation and an overall sense of calmness and drowsiness.

  • Flavonoids: Blue Lotus contains various flavonoids, antioxidant compounds with mild sedative effects.

  • Terpenoids: Blue Lotus also contains terpenoids, aromatic compounds known for their relaxing and calming effects.

The research on Blue Lotus and sleep is limited, so I can only go by my own experience, and it definitely aids my sleep.

But I didn’t stop there; I noticed that on nights I had Blue Lotus, my dreams were more vivid, and I could remember them. A simple Google search on lucid dreaming will lead you straight to Blue Lotus.

Going back to Apomorphine and Nuciferine, these two compounds may influence neurotransmitter activity in the brain, contributing to dream enhancement.

Here’s a closer look at how certain components of Blue Lotus might be related to lucid dreaming:


  • Apomorphine: This alkaloid found in Blue Lotus stimulates dopamine receptors, associated with various cognitive functions, including mood, attention, and reward. The stimulation of dopamine receptors may play a role in promoting vivid and memorable dreams, contributing to the potential for lucid dreaming.

  • Nuciferine: Another alkaloid in Blue Lotus, nuciferine, has antispasmodic properties. While the direct connection between nuciferine and dreaming is not fully elucidated, the relaxing effects of this compound may contribute to an overall state of mental calmness. Achieving a relaxed state before sleep is often considered conducive to vivid dreaming.

It’s important to note that the impact of Blue Lotus on dreaming experiences can vary among individuals. Some users report enhanced dream recall, vivid dreams, and an increased likelihood of lucid dreaming when incorporating Blue Lotus into their bedtime routine.

I started experimenting with its properties in the dream state and working with it. When I speak of “working with it,” just like any plant medicine, you need to set your intentions before consumption. For dreams, it could be as specific as seeking insight into a particular challenge, a subconscious exploration for clarity.

So to work with it for dreaming, start by getting out your journal and answer, “What do I want from this Blue Lotus medicine?” Journal on that; see what comes to mind.

Journaling is important when working with any plant medicine; recording thoughts and intentions before consumption offers a tangible bridge to the subconscious. It’s a way of giving the mind a roadmap to follow during the dream state.

Now that you know you can use Blue Lotus as a simple addition to your day to help calm the mind, work with it to deepen a meditation or breath-work session, or work with it to explore lucid dreaming and subconscious dreaming.

How much Blue Lotus should you have for a tea?

making blue lotus tea

Whatever reason you have chosen, it’s now time to prepare your brew. It’s hard to find on the internet, just “how much Blue Lotus should I have?” and that’s with reason; it’s a potent tea, and reactions vary for each individual. Below, I have written a guide based on my own experience. You may wish to alter this the more familiar you become with it.

  • For an everyday calming tea: 1 whole flower, steeped for 3 minutes.
  • To work with it through somatic practice: 4-5 flowers steeped for 10+ minutes
  • For lucid dreaming 3-4 flowers steeped for 7-10 minutes.

You can steep your tea for up to 20 minutes; this becomes a preference as the taste can become quite bold

Lastly, let’s talk about making Blue Lotus Tea. Making it is as simple as preparing any herbal leafy tea. Begin by placing your desired amount of Blue Lotus in a tea strainer or infusion. Allow it to steep, and if necessary, strain the infusion.

Here’s a pro tip: Ensure your water doesn’t reach a boiling point. Turn off your kettle a minute before it’s fully ready or stop boiling your water as soon as you notice the bubbles resurfacing. This delicate touch can enhance your Blue Lotus Tea experience.

This profound journey with Blue Lotus inspired me to include it in our collection, complementing our Ceremonial Cacao. Both ancient elixirs have been integral to rituals and ceremonies for over 5000 years, reaching back to times long before our own. What a harmonious addition!

- Originally published on