

Embracing Your Menstrual Cycle: How Ceremonial Cacao Can Support Each Phase.


You may have heard many women and people advocate for living in harmony with your menstrual cycle, rather than simply enduring its challenges. But what does it mean to align with your cycle, and how can natural remedies like ceremonial cacao support this journey??

In this blog, we'll delve into the four phases of the menstrual cycle, understand what they mean and what selfcare and wellness practices can be particularly beneficial. 

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle:

1. Menstrual Phase:

  • What it means:
    This is the period when menstruation occurs and the uterine lining is shed. Hormone levels are low, leading to a natural decrease in energy. Cramps and discomfort are common during this phase.

  • How to connect with this phase:
    The Menstrual Phase invites deep reflection and introspection, offering a chance to realign with personal goals and values. This time often brings heightened intuition and sensitivity, making it ideal for listening to your inner voice and gaining clarity. Embracing rest and honouring this phase connects you with the natural rhythms of life, symbolising both closure and renewal, much like the changing seasons and lunar cycles.

  • Self-Care Recommendations: During this phase, it's important to focus on comfort and relaxation. You might like to enjoy your cup of ceremonial cacao in the bath. Its rich magnesium content helps ease cramps and supports overall mood. Additionally, consider gentle yoga or stretching to relieve discomfort.

  • Journal Prompt: What self-care practices can I implement to nurture myself during this phase? How do I feel about letting go and starting anew.

2 Follicular Phase

  • What it means:
    The Follicular Phase sees rising estrogen levels as the body prepares for ovulation. Ovarian follicles mature, energy levels increase, and the uterine lining thickens in readiness for a potential pregnancy. This phase is characterised by heightened creativity and motivation.
  • How to connect with this phase:
    The Follicular Phase represents a fresh start and the potential for growth. Spiritually, it symbolises the blossoming of new ideas and opportunities. This is a time to embrace optimism and explore new projects or goals with enthusiasm. Align with the energy of renewal by setting intentions and nurturing your creativity.
  • Self-Care Recommendations:
    Focus on activities that invigorate and inspire you. Engage in creative pursuits, try something new, and spend time in nature to harness your growing energy. Consider incorporating a mindfulness cacao meditation practice to support mental clarity and motivation.
  • Journal Prompt: What new goals or ideas are emerging for me during this phase? How can I best use this period of renewed energy to move forward?

3. Ovulatory Phase

  • What it means:
    During the Ovulatory Phase, hormone levels peak, particularly estrogen, triggering the release of an egg from the ovary. This phase is marked by high energy, vitality, and increased confidence. 
  • How to connect with this phase:
    This phase represents the peak of your energy and potential for social connection. Spiritually, it’s a time to shine and engage with the world around you. Embrace opportunities for collaboration and communication, and let your creativity flow freely.
  • Self-Care Recommendations:
    Leverage your peak energy by engaging in social activities, creative projects, or public speaking. It's also beneficial to stay active and take advantage of your high vitality. Incorporate practices that help you connect with others and express your authentic self. Register for your local women's circle or cacao ceremony to connect on a deeper level!
  • Journal Prompt: How can I make the most of my peak energy and social interactions during this phase? What creative projects or connections do I want to explore?

4. Luteal Phase

  • What it means:
    During the Luteal Phase, hormone levels begin to fluctuate as the body prepares for the next cycle. This phase often involves a shift toward introspection and preparation, with a potential decrease in energy and increased emotional sensitivity.
  • How to connect with this phase:
    The Luteal Phase is a time for reflection and consolidation. Spiritually, it represents the transition from the outward energy of the Ovulatory Phase to a more inward focus. It’s an opportunity to evaluate progress, address any imbalances, and prepare for the renewal of the Menstrual Phase.

  • How to connect with this phase:
    The Luteal Phase is a time for reflection and consolidation. Spiritually, it represents the transition from the outward energy of the Ovulatory Phase to a more inward focus. It’s an opportunity to evaluate progress, address any imbalances, and prepare for the renewal of the Menstrual Phase.

  • Self-Care Recommendations: 
    Focus on self-care practices that support emotional balance and relaxation. Engage in activities that help you unwind, such as gentle exercise, journaling, or taking time for yourself. Herbal teas or calming cacao rituals can also be beneficial during this reflective period.

  • Journal Prompt: What reflections or insights are emerging for me during this phase? How can I prepare for the transition into the next cycle?

Embracing Harmony with Your Cycle

Understanding and aligning with your menstrual cycle can lead to a more balanced and empowered experience. By integrating self-care practices and natural remedies you can better navigate each phase and nurture your well-being. if you're wondering why Ceremonial Cacao is suggest throughout, I've left a little summery of it's benefits below.

The Science Behind Ceremonial Cacao and Your Menstrual Cycle

Ceremonial cacao is rich in nutrients that can complement your menstrual cycle. Magnesium, found in cacao, may support muscle relaxation, which can help ease discomfort. Its iron content can assist in replenishing levels lost during menstruation, potentially reducing feelings of fatigue. Antioxidants like flavonoids present in cacao help manage oxidative stress and support overall well-being.

Cacao also contains theobromine, which can offer a gentle energy lift and contribute to mood enhancement. By incorporating ceremonial cacao, you can align with your body’s needs and potentially experience a supportive addition to your menstrual cycle routine.