GC Cermonial Grade Cacao
Our GC Ceremonial Cacao is a sacred offering from the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The cacao beans are single-origin Criollo variety, grown in harmony with the land and ancient traditions. We honour the guardians of the cacao tree, the jaguar, and the monkey, and the vibrant energy of Mother Earth herself.
During harvesting, the farmers bless our cacao, infusing it with good energy and intention. This 100% organic cacao is solidified into a 600-gram block, preserving its rich aroma, delicate flavour, and beneficial properties. By taking the time to grate and melt the cacao block, you can connect more deeply with this sacred plant medicine and fully experience its transformative qualities.
Our GC Ceremonial Cacao Paste is recommended for use in enhancing spiritual practices such as meditation, journaling, breath-work, cacao ceremonies, or even grounding walks in nature.
We honour the ancient tradition of cacao ceremonies and offer this pure and potent cacao paste to support your spiritual journey. Let the spirit of cacao nourish your mind, body, and spirit while supporting your overall well-being.